Meet Blue Ridge Racing...
Blue Ridge Racing was started in 2017 by the husband and wife team of Molly & Matt Bullington. Molly and Matt are both runners, although Matt can outrun Molly any day of the week!
Molly worked for 12 years with Ronny Angell of Odyssey Adventure Racing managing adventure races, triathlons, rogaines, trail and road running races before she acquired the road racing part of Odyssey Adventure Racing to form Blue Ridge Racing, LLC. While with Odyssey, Molly was the Assistant Race Director of the Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon, Half Marathon, and Anthem Star-K as well as the LewisGale Salem Half Marathon, Virginia's Blue Ridge Salem 8K, and G&H Contracting Salem Kids Fun Run.
Matt has competed in many running events from 5Ks to Ultra-Marathons as well as multi-sport events such as IronMan triathlons and adventure races. He served on the organizing committee of the Blue Ridge Marathon in its early years and placed 6th overall in the inaugural Blue Ridge Marathon in 2010. Since then, he has worked alongside Molly as part of the race staff almost every year. Matt's love of running and his disdain for poorly organized races rubbed off on Molly and is ultimately one of many reasons why she pursued a hobby-turned-career in race management.
Molly worked for 12 years with Ronny Angell of Odyssey Adventure Racing managing adventure races, triathlons, rogaines, trail and road running races before she acquired the road racing part of Odyssey Adventure Racing to form Blue Ridge Racing, LLC. While with Odyssey, Molly was the Assistant Race Director of the Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon, Half Marathon, and Anthem Star-K as well as the LewisGale Salem Half Marathon, Virginia's Blue Ridge Salem 8K, and G&H Contracting Salem Kids Fun Run.
Matt has competed in many running events from 5Ks to Ultra-Marathons as well as multi-sport events such as IronMan triathlons and adventure races. He served on the organizing committee of the Blue Ridge Marathon in its early years and placed 6th overall in the inaugural Blue Ridge Marathon in 2010. Since then, he has worked alongside Molly as part of the race staff almost every year. Matt's love of running and his disdain for poorly organized races rubbed off on Molly and is ultimately one of many reasons why she pursued a hobby-turned-career in race management.